"Sample Letter"
AGE Chief Stripes
Record Of Wearer

These "Chief Stripes" are part of a pass-on tradition initiated by a group of both active duty and retired Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Chiefs.

The Following AGE Chiefs have worn these Stripes:

Chief Ron Ansell (1 Nov 90 – 30 Sep 97).


My Congratulations to CMSgt XXX X. XXXXX. You are my selection and have earned the right to wear these stripes. Please pass these stripes on to someone deserving when it is time.



Ronald D. Ansell, CMSgt, USAF (Retired)
AGE Chief and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of AGE





"Together we CAN make a difference"


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To keep the torch burning and continue the tradition of passing along these Chief Stripes, please do the following:

  1. Upon your retirement, select a new "AGE" Chief from the E-9 promotion list.
  2. Prepare a Letter of Record and add your name to the list as a historical record and send the Letter of Record along with the "Chief Stripes" to your choice’s Commander or directly to the selectee.


Ronald D. Ansell, CMSgt, USAF (Retired)
AGE Chief and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of AGE